Basic Project Data
Project Name: Vibration Protection and Monitoring System for Pumps and Fans
Investor: PE “Novosadska Toplana”, Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia
Object Name: “Zapad” Heating Plant; rotation machines in the heating plant (pumps and fans)
Object Location: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia
Brief Project Description: In this project a protection and monitoring system for vibration and rotational speed has been implemented. An online system based on A3716 acquisition system manufactured by ADASH, CZ, EU and 780A sensors manufactured by WILCOXON, MD, USA, have been applied in this case. The protection system has been connected with the existing SCADA Control System of the heating plant.
The project has been realized jointly by ADASH Ltd, Czech Republic, EU, ROMAX Trade Ltd, Serbia, NORTH Protection Ltd, Members of NORTH Group, Serbia and NORTH Contro Ltd, Member of NORTH Group, Serbia:
- ADASH Ltd, CZ, EU – production of components and assemblies
- ROMAX Trade Ltd, RS – project preparation and delivery of components and assemblies
- NORTH Protection Ltd, RS – installation and commissioning
- NORTH Control Ltd, RS – quality and quantity control, testing, functional control and settings